United nations shit

We get like all of them right cus your in this thing with the people an the trades and stuffs?Image result for naval vesselsImage result for naval vesselsImage result for naval vesselsImage result for naval vesselsImage result for naval vessels

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Alright now your going to print everything and send it the Japanese Embassy in envelopes and stamps.

Don't forget the Confidential stamp
Image result for envelopesImage result for envelopesImage result for manila folder with clipboard

make sure you keep all the polaroids and stuff of me laying around the house and looking stupid. and walking the dog and going to the store, anf sitting infront o the store, and smoking my ciggarettes, and at the family gatherings and stuff.

oh and then send some nude ones from the shower scenes.

especially the ones where i complain about the cuckholding situation. but also the ones where Its at its normal length with a very Peculiar face that seems distraguth yes puzzled. but since its a sarcastic statement flamboyantly quivical and undermined in tone.

but you gotta send the prints anyway because this is how the mail sorting works.
Its uploaded the net LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before you ever send any of the actual stuff. and she already has everything in files.''

Don't forget the ones with me picking my nose.
Image result for japanese embassy

because we;re still on biography....


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