Its in

The cracks and the spots around the mountain.
Image result for Kung fu books traditional

Use the cracks.
Use the stones
Use the trees
Use the branches for the weapons

Use my character

print the books.

this parts cool with the software

Then do the same with Puerto Rico.

We'll have everything.

You and I cutenesses You and I.

The whole war fan. then the yari samurai. Then the entire dragon.
then the "kingdom"

Once you get all the geosyncs we can make the archive for it and get alll the teaching methods from this region. Everythings there. Dummies and shit. Tools. Weapons. Even the building techniques. '

Once you get the trees, get the roots of the threes.
Then we'll run all of it to get a constant.

Once we get a constant. We have the areas natural geosync. Which will give us the martial art for " mainstream"


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