Geo thermal Ionisation

Image result for geo thermal ionisationImage result for Giant headImage result for phase shift mushroom capImage result for transformer fuseImage result for string theoryImage result for Power line fuse thing at the topImage result for reverse feed

Use the Mushroom caps and the heads around the transformer then Ionize the heads with the transformer to send a reverse feed.

String theory. Qauntumn Leap.

Should give us The off grid shit. If you do it to all of them or even around the transformer. We have an Offgrid region. Feeding back the energy systems,

Feelin Nerdyyyyyyyyyyy Nerdeh Nerdeh

Image result for car battery chargerImage result for tig mig welder
Image result for car chargerImage result for transformers plantImage result for giant headImage result for giant head

Na so I can cover my parents bills. and get paid.

and so we can keep improving our shit.

Gys we're on fucking fire.
Image result for tesseractImage result for tesseractImage result for tesseract

You'd be even more of a dick sendng it to he big one.
Image result for Giant powerline

Tell the electric company now they pay me. I made Wireless energy return feed with my team.


cool. Not enough but cool.

Its 2.9 billion dear.

Active camo
String theory Qauntumn Leap Rosenbridge

I just turned my woods into  solar farm
Image result for solar field

do this to the transformer plants
Image result for energy bubble

Now i want 70 billion

and now we're going to make a transformer plan like this  and rosenbridge
Image result for nuclear tower

Image result for tesla towerImage result for missile silo
Image result for fusion core reactorImage result for fusion core reactor
Image result for fuel tanker ship spheres ight we straight. build a plant from these niggas Image result for windmills throw some windmills up

Now we got fish and electricity

Image result for distributorImage result for starter


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