1291 & 3118

Image result for stencil paint graffiti stencil paintImage result for eye toyImage result for ps4 motherboard

Image result for vr headset with gloves

gotta figure the on off switch for the hands. Image result for magnetic craneImage result for lit charger we gotta use the lits sensitivity to electronic system magnetics for system activations or computer system fucntions.

Since its all just geosyncs. magent plus charging function. with laser.
Image result for tesla field

Energy shield barrier.

Image result for tesla fieldImage result for emp

reverses polarity sends an emp.

Subfilter pixels mirror transitioning

sends static energy
Image result for ninja clone jutsuRelated image

how it talks
how it writes

Image result for engraving wood

how you communicate

Image result for sign languageImage result for hand signalsImage result for hand signals

Image result for deep learningImage result for deep learning


Image result for quantum philosophyImage result for Tibetan Books of BuddhismImage result for confucius bookImage result for sun tzu bookImage result for book of five ringsImage result for Viking folklore novelImage result for japanese mythology novels

Image result for translation software

How it talks

Image result for jawa clothing star wars

mounts to plane
turns into wings

Image result for pocket rocketImage result for motorcycle gobotRelated image

mech flying ship
Related image

Flying ship mech
motorcycle mounts on belly


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