Fuck it. We're playing woods kid games

Image result for Warehouse
Put a warehouse.

you suck

What I want out of here.

Wood carver
Stone carver
Motar mix

Collect the leaves from everyones properties. We'll start with dirts and soils.
Then When season comes around we'll have the jugs set up for ink.

During the time frame from that we'll have the stone masons qauters and the wood carvers qaurters established.

We'll make the mixes here and have bags in stock.

The lumber we have from the fallen trees we'll use for flooring and housing.

Theres 4 houses on that strip that don't do shit and havent done dick since 12. Turn them into green houses.

We have the river right behind. Use the river for salt and mix.

Create a still. We can make alcohol right here

Things we're going to get out of here.


The stone if we quarry in another section from the left overs. or the shit people want removed we'll take em and use them. re purpose.

Shit i want here
Vertical garages

Image result for polarisImage result for polaris

the mini set the package i gave you.
Image result for mini excavatorImage result for crane

Rule we can't touch the trees.
the new equipment set.

Image result for Equipment construction 2020

wheat and grain storehouse
Image result for grain storehouse
put in wave energy for the currents

Image result for wave energyImage result for windmill

use the ski mountain for medicinal herbs

then use the baseball fields for the wheat. We have these little Rice spots already.

Theres another spot for rice needs to get fixed.

Then we have the wood mill with shit.

They aint going to pay shit.

Start setting everything up.


and Glass.

Image result for clayImage result for clay

Then knock the strips Down on all the main roads and replace them with Yellow Dogwoods  and white dogwoods. offset and then have red in between.

Related imageYorkshire underneath all the blossom trees.

Image result for dogwood assorted colors

Martial art equipment
Snowboards and Skateboards

etc etc.

Change the colors on the interior for the lights.
Image result for Windmill lights street

Use the rivers.

I need the harvesters that are the size of the gokarts

then make a vertical garage for the go karts.
Image result for go kart

Image result for robotsImage result for robots
hook one of those dogs up with a flea and tick sprayer.

Image result for tea bags

I have hill sides. grow tatami on them.
Use the stone
Image result for tatami plantImage result for tier drop planter

Image result for vertical farming

Image result for archimedes corkscrewImage result for conveyor beltImage result for conveyor belt

Theres this really stupid lake.

and im half tempted.
Image result for crane

We'll have to make a spot for the fishery.

Image result for fuel tanker ship spheres


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