Complete set

Image result for BarnImage result for BarnImage result for Barn"Image result for BarnImage result for BarnImage result for BarnImage result for BarnImage result for giant barn"Image result for giant barn"Image result for barn bridgeImage result for barn fenceImage result for barn fence

3 rows of fencing. Farm
4th one is animals.
Animals is 3 fences Back to back.

Cedar gets plastered. Has texture
Roof is Cedar Clay
Image result for cedar clay roofImage result for cedar clay roof
Image result for cedar siding tileImage result for cedar sidingImage result for plaster japanese wall
Image result for ballistasImage result for trebuchet

Faux fur walls
Open beam concepts
They put glass over the fur.

Image result for Fur wallsImage result for Plexi

Food water storage
Image result for Silo

Ballistas go in here.

Image result for Silo

Image result for septic tank

Image result for Repeating crossbowImage result for Repeating crossbow

These go on a hand crank system
They pop up out of the ground.

Image result for long bowImage result for truck missileImage result for truck missile
Kinda like that. Pivot rotate. Reloads.Image result for circle floorImage result for circle floor

Image result for muskets lever actionImage result for tomahawkImage result for knife fighting knives boneImage result for caligraphy pens full set

and the other shit i gave you already.

The pit I showed you with the floor swivels for feet.
Dummys are on the trees. So just put a case with a latch that you can attach.

Image result for Dogwood treesImage result for Wooden dummy

Till the soil Grow the moss. Then plant.

Image result for moss gardenImage result for moss garden

The door and roof are the same, but the points are under the roof.
You collect rain water and run the aqueduct through the fence.
Image result for garden fence trellisImage result for garden fence trellis door

Even the overways are curved and the rain water goes into the gutter. Goes into the cistern "Well"
Image result for moss garden
Image result for wells

Where the water goes into.
You clay the entire thing up.
Put moss inside.
Image result for inca holes


Image result for american bisonImage result for elkImage result for Sheep herdImage result for rabbit typesImage result for fox typesImage result for black bear north americanImage result for japanese deer

Around the fence Outside.
Image result for Hedge tree


Image result for hovercrafts

River runs through, but its more like your rain water collection in the japanese villages where the gutters are in front of the houses.
Related imageRelated image

Image result for leather armorImage result for thief armor video game

Use wolf.

and this shits stupid

Phalanx is complicated. Its just a giant thorn bush.
Image result for Puerto rico dragonImage result for shield

Smoke cedar siding.
Ash grey and black.

and I already gave to you the forge

the aframs arent A frames

The house is underground. There these ramparts.  Made for horses. They have popout sections on the roof.
Image result for black houseImage result for Slope roof house
a frames are positioned

Image result for plastic coating dry sealantImage result for fre place cement


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