Sodom and gomorah

eyes ears nose and mouth
actual electronic system function from static systems.  see pagoda tops
saint augustine 

look familiar?
Image result for shogi

Image result for go board
Mirror sequencing through retina 

Mirror transition through retina and field span. Angle also from exterior 


Image result for wolf  kanji

It saysgolden heaven son of wolf.

and its a field barriero oscillation similiar to the sub pixel particles.  just more indepth with the retina.

assemble it like a pagoda. Study the light pulse symetry.
Watch it be the same shit. document in latin

Should take shape to pagoda.

so yea same shit
thats how they generatte the neural image of the projected thought process.

so now we broke that shit.

so all thats happening in your eye and i don't agree with it. 
Is eyes and mouth and ears

tell blog spot its a qtr for every view.  then for them to take 5 cents because its eqaully as frustrating for both of us.

then take whomevers apart of the church thing
and have them use the web flow content for currency for the place and renovations.

Getting to the root of the zombies

Okay now we make money out of my eyes
sodom and gomorah can be used for the currency binary system.

System runs on sodom and gomorah.
We just have to use the same wave generation through the system that develops the nueral images.

So since thats the sequence fractions of frames in sub filter mirriong create the currency.
So 9v battery systems.

This is how you make money off your slaves in bondage. without ever using them for sexual intercourse. or manipulating them.

You know what professionals do.

Harmless, no pain, no manipulation, no frustrations, no anatomical manipulation systems.
and you don't go broke.

see how to make money in video games.

Now if you get really good at it which you will. because your my baby baby of foreverness of lovers forevers of kinds

we have these beautiful things called automatons

Now all you have to do is just use the automaton infront of the computer and just run the pixel system screen saver.

Image result for pixel system screensaver gifImage result for pixel system screensaver gifImage result for pixel system screensaver gifRelated imageImage result for camera box how it worksImage result for targeting acquisition sequencingImage result for targeting acquisition sequencingImage result for auto targeting systemsImage result for auto targeting systemsImage result for auto targeting systemsImage result for auto targeting systems

what if we use the crow systems. Do we get bonus points?


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