Business coms

unlocked cellphone slave trading with facial rec and pokemon go and lat and long for identification for slave trade. cool. i mean weird, but cool. So thats how their using the system from the business meetings.

So our business coms are being used for slave trading with ublocked cellphones and precharacter requisites.

So thats how stupid this shit is.

Then they keep the unlocked cellphone and the character carries the facial rec. Or IMEIS.

So thats lame. Thats why my characters stupid.

Old Cellphones.
Image result for Business cell phonesImage result for Business cell phonesImage result for Business cell phones

Its our contact meet up for city enviorments with the live visual gps
Image result for Business cell phones

Google hangouts and google business

Conference meetings with facial id with layering sequencing.
The one with the scheduled appointments. And it dissolves the person from the to do list.
and then the thing vibrates when its done and gives you feed back. or reviews from the people you interacted with or if you got the job or not. Or contract, because its for the shipping industry.

Image result for Overlay texture packImage result for Layering photographyImage result for Layering photography

Image result for Layering photographyImage result for facial recognitionImage result for facial recognitionImage result for facial recognitionImage result for wall street

Image result for glass computer osImage result for Glass computer systemsImage result for Glass computer systemsImage result for crystal boat inside of glassRelated imageRelated imageRelated image

put the shit in the mini cubes again. All spark.

glass com terminal display systems in the cities for Stock traders, government officilials and shipping industry.

Window communication systems.
Window Terminals for city access.

Image result for why we can't have nice thingsImage result for why we can't have nice things

guys they attached hypnosis to our business software/
with nueral pulse and repeating code.

watch it be the letter L O and F and watch there be 3 E


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