You wanna make the psp his staff?
and the antenna is like the pole. It does this.
His name is Riran
He was Subject of the Devils dragons imperial legion gaurd. Raised through the forest demons teachings and molded by brutality and education.
His face shape shifts. He's a ghost.
Idk. another comic book.
Riran Ghost of the Devils mountains.
His body is covered in manuscripts and his clothing contains manuscripts.
The mountain contains a temporal field that creates an illusion of optic lasing. It doesnt exist. Whenever anyone gets close they become ill. Nausea begins to take form, and when they get closer they faint. To always wake up in the woods. Outside of the region of the location. Always on a main road with a bench and telephone.
Nothing ever happens to them.
we can sell toys and we'll make them actually work, but it'll be fun. Just bed side stuff.
We'll make one of those super fast ridiculous commercials that explains everything in less than 5 seconds.
and or if you stage them around the house they create a field.
make sure it works.
It should be a data capture if all the things light up then it does its job.
So it charges the entire circuit
Its the dance of the rose. So we'll leave the martial art on it.
but then the stone gaurdians are to be like embedded into it. so there like part of the pillar.
The car is at the bottom. It docks inside.
Ship stays on top.
Bottom is the Monk medditating So when its docked the dudes like in zen position but indian style with ahood.
Once you remove the car and the titans and the tent and ship it should be usable. or atleast a demonstration. Inisde his face which is the hood of the monk meditating is going to be the sitting spot of the guy. So it docks there also.
So the dance of the rose with 7 petals
tribe crest near the top so underneathe the flat part. The tent is the "Hut" Which i showed you. With the ciruit. He goes inside. The part where the mech is should look like its wrapped in thorns. Staff for mech mounts behind the tent. His staff goes infront of the ship. Like where the entrance is before hes placed inside.
The ship should be able to fit the car and mech. The mech docks underneathe like cargo transport and the car slides into the back. His hovercraft motorcycle is the landing gear and its mounted to the side.Theres 2.
Tell the Girls to make there characters. Thats Riran. Idk what styles they know or learned. Thats our martial art. Just be cool to have other characters. So he has like a crystal trees with a table tied to it. You know the entire kit.
Dudes chilling on the top with his tent and his ships parked to the side of it.
10 inch figure the mech is 5 inches plus a keyboard so add 5 inches to the keyboard on each end.
the ship is 12 inches longer than mech, but when its landed it overhangs. the ten your going to have to apply to scale. Pillars transparent, everythings transparent. You have to see the schematics in the internals.
The ship goes in thedragons belly.
Fibanaci spirals with the golden ratio to the rose petals ontop and wolf nose. So the wolf is in the wolf thorns, the Titan is the center . the rose is ontop. You dance around it. 7 petals. If you Equip the full cage then your making something cool for the girls and there characters.
17 thorns around it all together
then theres a cage your locked in. The tree branches are the dragons spiral and its a chinese dragon coiled up with the claws and feet hanging off above you. with the whiskers and mouth opened on you.
on the botom in the circle theres 2 sticks infront of the nose of the wolf. both swivel on the floor.
So its like a dragons got you in a cage and your stuck in a rose bush with a wolf and all the cage spikes are ment to stab you. So if you make the full thing Then have the girls add there characters to it.
I finished my training. psh never finished. but yea. thats our shit. So you have to make the dragon attach to the top. The dragon is the sillohoutte we talked about. It'll be like flying above him. So we have to figure out a mount. Theres a forest under him. So a forest inside the cage spikes dragons the size of the staff. so get the dimensions from the general store.
Curtain rod and the arts and craft sections of the katana 3 peice. chracter of heaven on the body bodies with is the size of the katana. Arms are wakizashi when laid flat. Wiskers are tanto blade. the body is the size of a 9 hole planter about 14 inches in length.
the feet are 2 tanto blades. the schematic is the crazy ass math symbol i gave to your first and the devil face shit i gave you also, but it has 2 heads and there interchangeable. Has to work. Your going to have to make sure these pick up on the actual shit. The crazy ass math eqaution with al the shit is the entire body of the dragon.
the mountain where the car parks into is the dragon also, but its orocovis and the door is the shit we talked about for the garage. Supposed to be like a temple inside. With the monastery wall around . so the top of the hood is the dragon head on the mountain pretty much. but the dragon mounts to t he top of the pillar. theres 16 points to the dragon. with 9 rib points. there in the center of the back. tail has 4 points.
where the 9 points are the pagoda mounts to the back. So the shit in the drawing thats the arms.
the armor has 2 ears on the helmet. Horns. we can do like pindown slide slock like a blend on its back.
its just one big troubleshooting procedure and it sends the beams to stop the shit from doing anything. with a cycle mode.
Thought it'd look better if it was a martial art toy chest. After we make it and it works we'll make other types for people. A little more realistic.
Thats just shit for me.
so its kinda just a tree branch, but it'll look cooler as a dragon. So it can look like a dragon flying down or flying up.
leave the staff for the mech behind the ship with an arrow that points up. The kids will get it. and the grandkids. and the grandkids grandkids. they'll pick it up. itll make sense.
Rirans side of the story
Rirans from the west where confucius was and he met Yeshua at the school
we gotta do a scene where Death and Riran are kids and studying with Confucius since all that was in that region anyway.
Death stayed behind and Riran went on pilgrimage to "preach"
Riran cannon.
you have the staff operation
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