Then theres this

that we should eventually talk about and i want 17 ships burried. offset between aircraft and helicopterImage result for helicopter aircraft carrierImage result for missile destroyer vessel i want missile destrers on the sides of the mountain. custom interiors.

Image result for construction equipment bundle just put this shit with the other ones i have attache to the same fiel.Image result for harvester equipment

all the equipment for the area goes in the "bunker"

I"m really just making a giant shed for all the harvester and construction equipment.  the teir downs are the air craft carriers.

at the top theres a break point between two rdiges. 3 aircraft carriers.

Sotonera dam drivers training for ships 

land rehabImage result for oil rigsImage result for oil rigsImage result for japanese flagImage result for atlantis ancient try to stay away from the island concept, just use the windmills and keep branching out with the irrigation. Use the rays and the atlantis technique. Image result for atlantis ancient


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