hospital apartment

since they wanna keep doing stupid shit you wanna just have them make an apartment and we can bounce around hospitals around the country?

Image result for 2 bedroom apartment nobody would ever expect us in a hospital  we could even bring friends. muwahahahahaha
Image result for 2 bedroom apartment fully furnished with a 55 inch tv and a playstation with points and shit. With a stocked fridge and coffee. and a dryer washer combo.

we'll just take pictures with the staff and say we showed medical support.Plus we get drugs and shit so i mean. We can totally do drugs in the comfort of our own luxury.

oh shit babe we can even have a car there for traveling and shit. What kind of car you want? we can totally pull this shit off now.

I'm leaning towards a Forerunner and then like an ECO EV for the rest. 


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