
orgasms are linked directly to the ed system from medical and are stopped Image result for ejaculatory ductImage result for asmr

Image result for virtual realitysince the shit workslike the aurora and the clouds they just flash an automation sequence through the system thats prerouted . So the system coveres the cornea with the shit on your face then the aurora borealis shit goes on then the images flash which makes it seem like you can't get a direct line of function or image and then the asmrs kick on.

so 1-3-2-1
The static shivers are sent through the lobotomy thing i was telling you about and then they hit the nervous system. Image result for nervous systemImage result for left eye dominantThe image flashes are going by a pulse sequence and the transition is similar to a go sequence or an inverted color spectrum before the system recalculates and adjust subconsciously for variable imaging transitions. Image result for left eye dominant laserSo the vas deference begins to close up, the shaft has a static rotation and then you get blasted with an low asmr sequence while being thermal statically fucked in the we solved the static system and its a 14.49.50 seconds  its on. flashing the images then the rotational value happens.

The value increases through the static system but its a multi beam sequence that creates the flux on the body itself. Then the system sends a difraction of light from the borealis effect with the magnetism and captures the imaging system to then relay the imaging system to another persons userface character.

This how they do that Psychic 3rd eye bullshit sixthsense i see your thoughts nonsense. except now its hooked up to the automation thing that causes ED or flacid with the asmr.

take count for the regions. Its a software failure.

Image result for biofocalsImage result for auora borealisImage result for esla lightning imagesImage result for virutal relality animeImage result for virutal relality animeImage result for facial recognitionImage result for virtual reality pornokay but its running through auromation which means when the neural readout picks up on the image it runs the characyers through facial rec and then automates the sequence. Its Automated, oh and thats my drawing.  Image result for facebook
Image result for google vr programIts just automating vidoe game sequencing through pictoral imagery by sex industries porn sites, with the facial rec and jusy replacing face and controuring system to macth the data format.

Then you get some stupid flash in your eyes with qr and then it goes spectral. Once its spectral it sends asmr through the qr system.
*concerns* are the auotmation from the websites direct autoplay being qr to direct neuron qr.
Which again is Automation.
Image result for board game mancalaImage result for go board peices

Image result for backgammonthere even using the sfotware for manual troubleshooting. Its not logical. These are false techs running automation sequencing.

and they confirmed the megaphone cb system in the vehicles being in sync to the AI dome system. Sync is through frq.  each property has a frq sync and it matches cb. (street) QMS is still on windows. once it matches the street or the specific site the qms kicks in and recycliates the system.

Also means there running videos directly into cornea on autoplay.

So I guess we'll start teaching them in grade 2. After motorskill function checks have been passed and reading has been done for manual troubleshooting.


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