
Image result for pearlsImage result for liquid printingImage result for liquid printingImage result for giant clamsImage result for fisheryImage result for shipping conrtainer craneImage result for vertical boatImage result for vertical boatImage result for vertical boat===========================================================
 Image result for windmillsImage result for wave energyImage result for puerto rico culebraImage result for oil rigattach to oil rig(fishery)Image result for solar panel islandhave a direct link that it drops boeys off so we can use it with the rig platform. then the boeys dock onto the ship and redock to main solar island extension.

Underneath the ship
Compressional volume metric system management for qausar studies and graivatational polarity in flux.I can study that engine better.
Image result for underwater turbinesImage result for underwater turbinesImage result for underwater turbines


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