Aircraft carrier

Image result for air craft carrierImage result for lone wolf logoDragon sails are solar pannel. The polse rise up from the sides. Projector pull out and assembly for solar sail. The Tower shifts into the center then positions itself to the rear. 3 entry points from interior to tower.

New tower style. That system I told you abotu for QSM CM goes on the front. Then we're adding the ram underneathe. Which will have sonar sensors built into the front.

Image result for Back to the future The rear of the ship has 2 on the sides and when the deck is not in the rear of the ship. Theres 2 more that raise up when the tower is positioned in the middle.

The engine underneathe with the fans are kreg tool assembly.

Image result for kregg toolThe interior of the ship needs the new schem when you build for the placement for the underwater mechs for the assembly of the spear.

Top deck comes off and then you add another ones base directly to it. There legs. The wolf ears and the faceis what it should look like from the top. Where the ram is. Is the pivot joint for the feets gyroscope.


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