
Image result for bioluminescence planktonImage result for dispensaryImage result for kinkakju map
 Fin grain gravel then course grain then grow the moss through the walkways. No shoes. Different colors moss for markers and directions. make sure we put the barrier so it doesnt grow on the housing structures with the chemical seal to stop it from growing.

the walkways Image result for fine grain gravel

=Image result for fine grain gravel====================================================================
Image result for sake densake den=========================================================================
Image result for mangalibraryImage result for calligraphy school japanese===========================================================================
Image result for archery schoolImage result for naginata schoolImage result for Kenjutsu schoolImage result for Kenjutsu school Trees on the outside 3 floors.archery on the base
Image result for crystal tree=========================================================================
Image result for salmonImage result for troutImage result for koiImage result for sucker fishImage result for sea weedImage result for stringrayImage result for squidImage result for caribbean fishImage result for lobstersImage result for tunaImage result for caribbean fishImage result for red crabs puerto rico==========================================================================
 Then clean Uji river and restock the fish.Make a hatchery right next to the river.Every season we let them loose.


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