this ones a little more complicated
You need the brwery sequence for the synthesis to mass produce and then you need the small machines for smaller doses
the soda machine is for pills
You have to synthesis then filter then use the atmospheric conditioning of the synthesis to create fine powder gradients to make the pills.
The coin stars are segregated for each section. each sections coinstars are reimersive systems for filtration and break downs to make more out of the failed batches.
the failed batches get dumped through a crazy straw system and re synthesised until purity.
now the soda machines have a reifridgerent which your going to have to multi link for the pills. Your going to need them scoops also, but their an autofilling machine when you get it right.
and thats how we solve that.
you need th top with a compression system. so you have to make a pressure cooker.
stack em
30 seasons in advance
but the one with the bottom chamber fuck it do both.
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