Tribe settlement

Image result for modern tiny homes

then we'll make a tribe settlement

pagodas our corners

custom the sheds. remember theres an underground for the houses.

supports and stuff.
 Image result for ancient megalithic structures pillarsImage result for ancient megalithic structures pillarsImage result for gabion wallImage result for gabion wallImage result for wall gardenswe'll use wall gardensImage result for wall gardensImage result for wall gardens


build them around wolf and japan.
and puerto rico.

Leave the Forge and potters and work benches for the carpenters. they stay. We'll keep an art center there. paper making shit. etc etc.

Renewable resources only.

what do you want in the dining hall/?
Image result for mall food vendorsImage result for japanese kiosk food vendorsImage result for japanese kiosk food vendorsImage result for wok food vendor kiosk

we'll just keep it close to the river in wolf so they can just use the hovercraft

use the Fast food shit.

and we'll keep the crescent in every one of them.


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