Babygirl campaigns. [Solved]

Image result for marketing and advertisingImage result for analytical expert

Shes already meeting criteria.

we just have to run her through a few more agencies and tech firms.

Good emissary. Strong woman. Very fucking smart.

How to make an Emissary.

 I already started....I wanna finish.

we'd both win here. Plus with what they owe me it'll be a good trial run so i can update a book. Then they can keep going from there.

Image result for newsboy hatImage result for asian woman in peacoatImage result for asian woman in business suitImage result for linda le with native headdress she native

Wolf is her campaign topic
we need banners and stages and civic centers
and some stupid charter busses from the companies. with a vinyl graphic. Some buttons and pins. Points of topic on a itinerary synopsis sheet for the course year. You know like thy give at college.

Then we have some bbqs Donate to some fundraisers through binary encryption. Write some stuff. Have her hand on a somethings. make a statue in wolf. We'll keep her domestic and deal with Tian. While addressing the situations with the guys from DC also.

So we keep a natural balance.

She meets all there criteria. Exposed, smart, Sexy, and already lost her sense of morals when they fucked her over through some scam artistry in the early 90s. Everything fits.

Lets do it.

Image result for paradeImage result for BusImage result for StickersImage result for Custom madeImage result for stagesImage result for debate stageImage result for Amusement park daysImage result for HotelsImage result for SponsorsImage result for Colonial houseshe'll need a colonial residence Once she wins. For a figurehead and public blah blah blah. So you know the traditional Mu Colonial shit finished.
Image result for BlimpsImage result for taxi advertisingImage result for airplane advertisingImage result for airplane advertisingImage result for buttonsImage result for Car bumper stickersImage result for Vinyl town flags light poleImage result for Vinyl town flags light poleImage result for plant a treeImage result for crest flagImage result for Woman at the range but shaking gifImage result for Woman at the range boob recoil gifRelated imageImage result for motorcycle ass bouncingImage result for dubstep partyImage result for racing track advertisingImage result for FlyersImage result for powerpoint

Image result for Wolf flagImage result for 13 circicles flag

Image result for Lincoln LimousinesImage result for 2014 lincoln mkzImage result for Mobile command centerImage result for Mobile command centerImage result for lincoln navigator

solved done.

Then we just gotta do some armored car parades
and hand out business cards

Image result for Armoured carsImage result for Armoured carsImage result for Armoured carsImage result for Armoured carsImage result for Armoured carsImage result for Armoured carsImage result for tesla police carsImage result for tesla police cars

and we'll just run it with the new fire trucks for market sales and advertise through the regions Image result for new fire trucksRelated image
Image result for new construction equipment

but we really have to upgrade so we should just do it anyway.and we can do the construction equipment parade again with the new stuff.

parade shit we have to show native is aggricultural and horticulutral developments. Cowboy is the new Shit you guys solved with Farm horses and etc etc. Carriages. Cows. blah blah blah.  Biker is the new motorcycles. Police is the new equipment and uniforms.

blah blah blah. we'll just drive the hovercrafts for the navy through the parades
Image result for ymcaImage result for ymca
Image result for hovercrafts
Image result for hovercraftsImage result for hovercraftsRelated imageImage result for volkswagen hovercraft

Its a presidential criminal case. Someones an idiot and failed there exams and then atop of that there probably got a buddy with secret servicemen.

So imperial police was a little more serious.

They running through law enforcement cases for hood tactics and scares to presidents.

top 44 crime cases in us presidency. What to do when it happens. How to do it. Walkthroughs step by step training. Signs signals. Things like that. Someones an idiot and instead of going to the library keeps trying to me through interrogation methods through augmented reality systems.
Silkroads harder. Pebbles don't get noticed.

If you want the case file run it through mako. They'll give it to you. You haver to have it anyway. Then get the one from Britannia and pull the one from China. You have your countries.

You'll need tian and spain.
Image result for 45 presidentsImage result for Giant textbook

We troubleshooted this one to. We're good here.Image result for Giant textbook you can even make it artwork in every city in Unoriginal.

China Japan and Britania and Germany have the Cybernetics cases. You'll need those. U.S is complicated. Not as much happens but still decipherable the same way. Pull taiwan also.

Geologist is the one they need to be looking for. These idiots wouldnt know what to fucking do if someone gave them a fucking robot for antomical control

The geologist scandal of 1913
Image result for GeologyImage result for GeologyImage result for carbon datingImage result for rf signatures


Geology teachers

geology sales


welcome to homedepot

we solved it already Image result for home depot

make sure they send you corporate packets from your country aswell. Homedepot is always ontop of that shit.

Home depot silk road
Lowes Police
Ace is locals
True value redneck locals

Cabelas for who fucked who over in the marine life

Image result for CabelasImage result for Cabelas

troubleshooting annoying. big continent.

Image result for gunshop

Gunshop if its serious

Image result for walmart

Walmart if its petty

Image result for vinyl store vinyl store for idiots

if its some white bitch using asians
if its a black person using asians or indiian
Image result for pottery barnImage result for pier 1Image result for dollar general

best buy and electronics stores for dummer shit.
Image result for best buyImage result for radio shack

if your looking fro computer parts you hit new egg

Image result for new egg

Sonic if its stupid with mr ice cream man
Image result for sonic ice cream

Ihop and perkins
if its a diner
Image result for ihop perkinsImage result for ihop perkins

cracker barrel if its a downsouth setup or troubleshooting
Image result for cracker barrel

If you get a jack in the box

shits fucked move
Image result for jack in the box

Taco bell is military so is pf chang

Image result for taco bellImage result for Pf changImage result for px the exchange give you a low down before you dip out.

Only once.


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