love note


I made some adult ones today. You know since they wanna twitter and stuff.
I hope they make you smile with a sense of chivalrous pride in education and self worth...
I hope they make you quiver with the utmost tenacity in emotional reciprocation and the value was fully met with a frightening truth and glare. I hope that you to share the same tired notion after being involved in the same shit for fucking forever.

I also hope the ending makes you laugh with a joyous value in knowing how funny the qauntumn dynamic system is in nuero pings. I hope that you are congratulated for having someone just as stupid as the rest of these losers understand how fucking stupid and important it is in the stupidity to have that kind of mindset. Then i hope you shake there hands in frivolous anger and achievement.

I wonder if your even reading this or am just having to much fun with my country men on a stupid binge of brutal honesty and truth based off horrific ideologies and our sense of humor being the most profound and grotesque value that has become media public attention. I do hope in the process that you've acquired a very rash and brude force of conceptional understanding for the environment.

Today we solved an eye mirror that refrains the driver from having the understanding of the circumstances of peripheral reflective and that that information will sooth some tensions with law enforcement and judicial s with Drunk driving incidences, and driving impairments in visual representation. I hope that in that enlightenment and data we comprised the object of field view being manipulated by your own crystalline brings incite to the road rage fears.

Obstruction of view has a multi versitile impairment system. So we have to figure out how to read crystaline on vehicles now for law enforcement. Which is going to be more a fucking nuisance for all of us. Resoant field energies is what we're going to be dealing with in residual pick up during test now for the law officials in Objectified impairments under data visual ionis paritcle thermalisation and crystalline reverberation that prohibits on screen field display modules for windows on vehicles. and how serious the safety precautions need to be. to preventing these things.

So now we have to make a bunch of classes and shit for these guys since i found a major fuck up backing up the car today.

I hope that you give me a moment of your time to cling closely at the indesperable measures of fortitude and cunning beauty for the moments to come whist boasting in the huberious notion of mortal ignorance.

today blows. I found another loop hole in the data system and why this shits so stupid, don't get mad but we still gotta do it anyway. So we have to work on that.

lame and stuff.

Mitsubish Izuzu
(sabishi Desu)

have a good one.

ps they use that shit with the ear drum shit for equilibrium distortion. so thats like a double fuck you. and we have to do seminars and stuff. idk. Pick 40. Send them around. then sue the police of the us for hate crimes.

Then send another 30 with it staff.

i also have been bothered by something. someone said portals keep opening up. next to vehicles and in streets, can you use the starfate portal thing i gave you and just modulate the contrast. wave fissures in high contrast with systems character or field environments will cause that.

same systems also linked the to cyber divisions pedophile cases with children susceptibility. So we solved the pedofile cases in the u.s and international with the augmented reality systems and why these women cheat on there spouses or significant others with the endorphic systems and qr systems.

cebereal retina symetry alignment
analytical interpretation systems.
iris data system calibrational mirroring symetry and pulse syumetry  relays through qauntumn formatic compression oscillations.

Nueron mapping through osccilationpictoral imaging sensors with qauntumn formatic mirroing seuqnecing under light formations. Pulse symetry. Analytical interpretations software.

Noder triggers for oscillational value depriation or appreciation.

Sonic audowave symetry systems.

Qausi blocker through crystaline static emissions.

How does Nimbus Voltaous work.
Image result for cerebral retina symmetryImage result for artificial intelligenceImage result for facial recognitionImage result for Neurological contouring in particle symmetryImage result for facial recognitionImage result for iris data systemsImage result for iris data systemsImage result for Neurological love connection which neuronImage result for Neurological love connection which neuronImage result for equalizerImage result for quasi blocker systems through crystalline static emissions

Image result for thunder clouds lightningImage result for rape neuro readoutrape trama syndrome gets used by psychological rerpression and the person isolates the function through a qausi sequence and focuses there attention under what you call hypnosis

whaty we call static emissions and syncrhonisational timing through pulse relay differentials. LSD systems for automatic transmissions can explain this expecially with manual gear ratio sequencing.

Ratio sequencing is used for Rape Syndrome Traumas and its how they build Bondage clients. They call them "Builds" in the augmented reality systems.

Iris data systems performs a mirror transmission for the sinks then allows them to develope the conscious uncoscious development. So when the interaction of the person happens they fade into completeing the sequencing emission for the differential timing.
They use one person to leave a mental note and then approach the situation at a later date in the persons life through Iriss systems and imagination software.

Once thats done. They just fix the emotion to become a relaitve standpoint and use slower appoaches of aggressional behavior. However when the person becomes succeptible to the system they can also use the person for slander in imagiing for public appearance, which what we often deal with. So they use children at an ealry age. Trigger a psychological repsonse and then around teen hood use a higher em wave sequence to re-trigger, then approach the targets with different personal and subject them to ethnic circumstances to base the gentrificational processing off the fade out development which rebuilds the circumstances to be used at a later date.

Thats what they call builds. They like these in woodlands or in isolation. They take time to focus on Bondage circuits and clientele without causing an abrupt notion through public appearences. Usually for polticals business and entertainment markets.

They come with autocorrect now so you barely have to do anything and since the people are invisible to the conscious understanding and the neuro face is a transparent system in augmented reality they don't even know whats happening. Its a back door program. Ghost.

Same shit they used for the church scandals with Preist and other nonsense with High em activity environments.

So we're back at ghost in the shell season 1.


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