Solved this shit to

Image result for nerve gearImage result for DogsImage result for particle system unityRelated imageImage result for particle system unityRelated imageImage result for particle system unityImage result for Virtual realityRelated image

Image result for Dolls

They call it soul swapping or try to cover it up with swingers communities.

Its when you use a vr and the transformer for the go system and high voltage and particle phase shift the nueral function trhough the iris into the user faces activation sequence. Its like a pre save and shit.

So we solved that. Thats still a symptom of the Cybernetics User face and the transformer relay system.

I mean you know...Not that it wasn't in the first place but yea. Dolls. Augmented reality sex games. Except you know its not a game, and its just highly susceptible people with long term exposure.Image result for gamer second lifeImage result for gamer moviegave me a dumb movie about some douchebags doing this shit. then they did some shit surrogates check em out.. quick mission brief. Image result for bruce willis robot movieImage result for bruce willis robot movielooper fills in the gaps


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