
Theres a neural pulse going through the phone line

It looks like an underground dispatch com system. Theres 2 factions. Swatsikas and Davids star. and if you go through the math you can isolate the particle and the transition of the Nueral Pulse. This is the old digit. Run through your phone systems check your own person Numbers.

I solved this earlier today. You need your zip codes for the geo sync.

This was ages 4-12 and when i calculated the sequence from the line outside i was able to pulling upo the same matrix. Check your com system.s Even the QR is matching. The NP is a 10 bit pulse.

drops to 16 then 8k when it hits 8k theres a double cylinder. or funnel. 8 k 6-5 pulse burst
bi neural pulse formula 6x8 2 777 same shit from that street address
Im assuming this is whats being use now with the augmented reality so it wouldve changed once the system got updated and they wouldve made it wireless.

It ran through that zip code also.

Underground wars.

Just double check your stuff.

My entire zip code was apart of it. and my phone number was specifically targeted through the NP.

Run the geosyncs with the previous numbers from the telecommunications systems. Compare yours and mine from both family sides.

Use your phone numbers and your friends. Just double check. I have a feeling its stupid.

Signs of poltergeist again.

If you look at the geosync it shows the direct com system wave function but theres an anomaly. It gives two codes. It matches the grid line from that area to this one.

See if you guys pull up the same information in your own stuff.

Side note can you guys just grab Phone books and start running geosyncs.

Vacuum telemetry and pulse series.
Image result for pulse data series rotational values in quantum teleportationImage result for vacuum series

Its like Dyson is fucking a space jet engine and its giving me Codes from ww1.

We're chasing A poltergiest through relativity through an Intercommunication channel . Could be an old bug, could be something else. Lets just keep chasing it.

Once you get the geosyncs from the phone books start hitting seasonal catalogues from Major store venues.  If its smaller ones send scouts into mom and pops stores.


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