Merry Xmas

Image result for Santa clause but fucking a reign deerImage result for animated gif belly inflatingRelated imageImage result for animated gif belly inflatingImage result for ShotsImage result for Gift cardsImage result for Gift cardsImage result for DealershipsImage result for dvdsImage result for video gamesImage result for home depot gift card
Image result for home depot gift cardImage result for amc movie gift cardImage result for hotel vouchers

Anything they want.

Whatever you want go nuts. Nobodies going to say a word. Anywhere.

If my parents show up max out the cards for the gift cards.

i was here for the kids

Image result for twin baby bedImage result for sofa bunk bedImage result for sofa bunk bedand then like something like this.Image result for baby bed with baby suppliesImage result for baby bed with baby suppliesImage result for baby bed with baby suppliesImage result for baby bed with baby suppliesbut like two with a heat warmer.

some other shit

Image result for sensor doorImage result for kids secret roomImage result for kids secret roomImage result for bathroom between roomsthen when there older we can just keep the same divider door and extend so they have there own seperates and just a walkway. Image result for bathroom between roomsImage result for closet in the bathroom

do you want to do the room mock ups i was telling you. they come in a box. 1-12 is the development stage so once there preteen is when we change the room dimensions. Image result for closet in the bathroomImage result for wall sliders
they do this stupid shit  and when the kids hit grown they just fix(to keep in solid state without change) the room. Image result for japanese castle rooms

fairy tales dont exist when its not suitable for the majority


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