How credit works

Etablishing credit is even more annoying, but if you want to establish credit to a "perfect" fuck you score.

then heres how.

First your going to need a transformer fuse
Image result for transformer fuse

then your going to need a binary encryption data software also known as a Keygen.

Now since most websites run through a data mainframe to give you a credit reading based off your social security information. which is your life here btw. Then anything can be accessed through that information.

Even the binary system can be manipulated for someones favor during a simple search for your own history.

Now they look for balance, so the machine is calculating binary balancing systems, which again is spectrums of light under pulse frequency.
Image result for Credit historyImage result for Credit history

Image result for keygenImage result for equalizerImage result for equalizer

Now since keygens are still pulse freqnecy the modulation is what the credit report is depicting.

now in order to modulate properly with the keygen you have to understand the binary fraction is the eqautable ratio of the fraction over speed.
Soeed over sound and sound over decibel.

Now decibel is not really legible throuhg a liquid crystal

but it is.

Node frequencies

Image result for equalizerImage result for Liquid crystalImage result for Liquid crystal

so again fraction of light is what we;re after, To manage the system to eqautefor  the variable transition and you have to link the variable degree of the transition by pulse symetry. Which your going to need an eqaulizer, bvut remember light matter dark matter and grey matter are a tirialter sequence.

Image result for frequency app
heres a rudimentary image of a freqyency app.

the series caries a trilateral sequence that allows for the image to be depicted in a tri series. however that doesnt give you the equitable value of the denomination in the spectrum of light. It gives you the derivative fractal value.

So you want to shift the transition of the value into an equal point creating a solid steady node.

and that how credit works.   but how do i match it to my social security if its relation?

Well the relational value is a transparent operation but the system keeps the direct functioning node in coreelation. So its a parralel system matrix which allows for the value in a steady rated system.

and thats why i don't believe in binary anymore.

so you might as well give yourself a perfect score because if you understand it that way then your never going to fit in anyway and even if your a good fello your fucked.


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