green apple

Image result for green applesImage result for green apple orchardwhen i was but a young boy i had simple dream. Simple ambition. To be number one in east coast green apples. Nothing but the sweetest of green apples. The sourest of green apples. the Juicest of green apples. To make the green apples flourish is so many which way the world would awe in the appleness.

Image result for green apple orchardImage result for green apple orchardIn the persuit i noticed there was many visions of the apples but none ever quite as ecentric and beautiful. Let me ask you princes, have you ever seen a green apple orchard in the day light morning while walking through a usmmer afernoon?

Have you ever seen the the apples in the morning dew through the landscape? perfectly hedged and trimmed, the trres in unision and the grass so green and fertile?

have you ever seen the simple reflection of morning dew on the green apples with solar reflectivity?

Have you ever seent he garden snake slither through the orchard?

or the crow an cardinal ough the orchards sitting in trees? how about the finches that make nest in them. fucking finches. I HATE THE FUCKING FINCHES>

but the simplicity in growing the green apple was the most delvious concept of them all. growing it the finest and rarest apple. The largest and shaping them were kids dreams.

The real dreams was having different varioations of green apples all across the eastern seaboard with different vegitation for filming an photography. With different modligns and shapes.

Simplest dream of all was making the worlds biggest apple fall from the tree.

Image result for worlds biggest appleImage result for worlds biggest appleImage result for worlds biggest appleImage result for worlds biggest apple

I saw movie once when i was child, it was called JAMES and the GIANT PEACH
the peach was so big the james was able to float all around into new york city///

So then i ammassed a small team. began the apple expenditure to make a ship out of an apple.

The apple however would not grow past the alloted normal lenght and there i gave up and produced a altenrae method. to one day....Grow this apple. like the movie james and the giant peach... to one day sail down the deleware in an apple for a world record.

I called it the apple sail of the great mative river
Image result for james and the giant peachImage result for james and the giant peach

atlast the dream was voided by some recheted harlot and her shrew family and i said i will have my revenge for not sailing down this river front with my fucking apple.

We shall grow apples for this day. It will be ceremony. we shal call it the great apple sail.

Yes...the forever cuteness apple sail. Of all the greenest apples that ever was and will be. the forever cuteness kinds. forever cuteness.


You have to say in russian accent not as funny.

Now we make unoriginal green apples

we'll just put green apply ooze in the candy for clap seasons.
Image result for sour green apple candy syrup

Image result for molding fruitsImage result for molding fruitsImage result for molding fruits

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