this one goes in disney

Image result for unicron eating planetImage result for chair shoot up amusement park rideImage result for chair shoot up amusement park rideImage result for disney spaceship earthImage result for unicron eating planetImage result for unicron eating planetImage result for unicron eating planet

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We can put this one in Disney.

The moon docking to the earth.

make it an observatory
Image result for giant geodesic dome

The moon has 6 moons that dock. to main moon.
Then have this in there also.

Makes a ball. center is space tower. Fleet command.

Image result for homeworld mothershipImage result for apple slicerImage result for power rangers in space space station

 then build a big giant thing around it clear like the design i gave you. With the nebula, and we'll like smoke screen in it or something with fog colors.

the nebula thing and then have like cotton candy and a light show with it.


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