Plunging effect

Cobra Products 306 6" PLUNGER

So this is the one thatr does the plunging effect and distorts cognition

Creates cognitive dissonance and equilibrium distortion. .
Image result for ear
Image result for ear

What happens is that the calcified liquification inside the ear drum maintains a harmonsation and pulse  that operates inside the ear wax. Now mix that with the plunge and it creates the residua needed for the cognitive distortion.

this is one of those video transmission to the crystalline, but remember this shit goes into a two way based of acoustic location and sonar tracking. beautiful song though.

Image result for samurai jack black and white best way to describe the neural visuals inside of your head. Sorry didn't mean to use samurai jack.  Now heres how it reallly plays non the windows in imagery, and thats why the white nanostitic is impossibe of sight, and it only penetrates the cornea and is displayed in subcon.

Image result for 3d black and whitehowever consider the full apparition of the subject embedded with qr and being utilized with gamma and theta frequencies

Image result for 3d black and white now the qr and the gamma theta are responsible for the neural psychosis and triggers through cornea and plunging.

So then we get this kind of static emission through the virtual system.

now those fucking squiglies we keep telling eachother about Related imageImage result for squiggle in my eye

now eye floaters are considere "parasites" and can be simulated with a double layer optic or an 8 layer, but lets get some fucking straight. Eye floaters are nothing more than electro magnetic static emission utilized with data at fractions of light  per second to install nueral subjugation into a human being Days if not weeks in advance with visual imagery played at low theta. While simultaneously playing the nanotstic white hypnosis that goes into the plunger sequencing.

Now the same way the nanostitic white and qr are activated is still the same way the operation system functions.  And we know this because of world war 2 information we catalogued and have made very openly apparent.
now the "floaters" Have the ability to disrupt nueral cognitiion by static re emission.

Which means its like an alarm system for shocky collars.  Thats how neural disruption keeps doing what its doing. So what happens i s data synchronicity through nanostitic and neural or neuron connecting while harmonization connects the other neuron. BUT it disconnects for a split second on a timer. Which is where the fucking timer bullshit comes from. 

because we've done this.  Now floaters are also used by low subcon personal which can still be used for acting agencies, because its old methods of technology in operation with electro magnetic currents.

In ww2 it was used for strategic planning and orchestration for military troops. Today its more like a defect in the virtual system and its frowned upon and looked upon like amateur work. Your unprofessional to the software engineers if your using this technique and creates more of a headache for everyone than you think.

If your program has this. You kinda fail and could possibly be incarcerated. Or fined heavily which usually leads to bankruptcy and a terror watch list. Welcome to how advanced we are and how much we've been using this shit in our everyday enviroment.

Now cellphones have the ability to trigger this aswell.  Whether it be strategicly planned on a html format the statement remains the same, and if your dealing with Cybertronics for a living You should probably stay away from WW2 era Electro VR


Do not be misunderstood. These things are still frequently used by criminals, or developers for feed back in the gaming industry and in fiber optic systems. Scam artist are known for this technique. You want to be a business professional. not a scam artist.

You don't want to be in that category, but remember it still fuckin exist. These things happen especially with Military personnel, who have access to the archives and to people who really understand the field verse of static imagery systems and data pulse relays.

Not uncommon. Just fucking annoying.

The Ultraviolet activates the fiber optic system and if the capture is in Liquid crystal then it creates the neuron connection with small levels of VR replays. SO Virtual box in a nutshell  and multiverse if the Vr has the magnifcation property.  Which is how they use the VR box to fucking piss you off.  Or set your ass up. Depends who what when and how.

This is what we call in our Generation. Zombies. Brain dead. Walkers. Runners. Etc etc etc. We have tons of terms. All remaining with the same definitive understanding of the circumstance.  Brain dead.

Now sometimes its as simple as using it for Photography competitions if your notified and other times its proabbly being used by someone pretending to be a psychic or some shit.

They also use floaters for the third eye activation which is just Ultra violet thermal rotation on the epidermis.

Don't get upset. Get educated and stay aware of the cyber systems malfunctioning environments and where it needs caps and improvement. They have these stupid little devices that check for floaters, but if you have them in your region . Get together take a pole. and we'll get the contacts up in operation. Its a sign of a failing system or reversion of technology. Which means we have to decipher everything again series dynamics to be able to fix the situation.

It only takes one asshole to ruin the fun when we're advancing. Consider it a pop Quiz of fuck you your not paying attention in class and you need to reaccess your fucking education if you wanna keep the toy.

Its pretty nmuch a gif. Its good to know. If your doing it  then you already understood the severity. I fyou have nindept understanding in an off server of test field. Then you also know how stupid it is. So just like keep improving your shit as a Computer science major. Seriously. Finding these things is difficult. And tending to them even harder.

Especially if its Ghost doors.  Thats where you have to qauntumn shit, an it gets annoying with reverse politicization and cancellation.

Image result for rosen bridge

floaters create wormholes and rosen bridge effects Image result for Neuron activation sequencing

Image result for relativity theoryImage result for relativity theoryRelated imageImage result for relativity theoryImage result for relativity theory

the imagery is in virutal gif imaging systems and contains qr from the neuro  departments storage system servers. Image result for magnification of a starImage result for magnification of a starRelated imageRelated imageImage result for astigmatismImage result for astigmatismImage result for astigmatism

this is also how they create the nueral visual of  Pyschotropic enhancement or faking a psychotropic enviorment using the vr

do this with a manual zoom aperature priority and what do we get?

Optic lasing synthetics

which creates a vertigo effect/

Image result for astigmatism
Image result for restriction of blood flow to yeball this is how they use manipulation techniques and tactics of your local surroundings and create optic hallucinations.

Mix i with plunging. And you know. Image result for restriction of blood flow to yeball

places of able effectednesss

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Image result for ophthalmic arteryImage result for ophthalmic arteryRelated image
even when your eyes are shut it can still have an effect

Image result for ophthalmic artery

This is how they also create symptoms of false ailment, This in conjunction of resonant thermal projection and you get false Sinus symptoms and headaches that mature over time frame. Image result for ophthalmic artery

the sinus triggers your nasal cavity which causes the oscillations with the thermalilzed rotation creating the sneezing effect. Which is the shit i was telling you about. They can also trigger your nerves for "twitches"
and they record the twitches in a numerical based system. for a scoring shit for wagering .

Gambling den kids.


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