Need the math symbols with definitions in a book again

Image result for all math symbolsRelated imageRelated image

keep a copy for yourselves. all the way to the qauntumn field and beyond.

put them in ore for me. Electro plated high heat

Your going to need Sanskrit and traditional Pictograph

Image result for book of the dead the mummy start putting shit back in the stupid books.Image result for book of the dead the mummy with the stupid locks.Related image Hey guys wanna make a wolf puzzle....

and use the geo sink 3d print outs for the keys and if you guys already started going into depth off of the nparticle mathematics then they go in the ore also with defintions and notes. Laser etched. I should be able to use  it like a printing press and mass produce.

Image result for wooden puzzles

qauntumn field research. Mathematics.  Just put them back in ore so we can make a quick mold if anything.

 Mechanical Engineering.

Computer science

Resource Management.

and then just put them in a box. Keep copies.

Then we're going to make a super secret location protected by men with AK47s containing all of our history in this box for advancement and see what happpens. There sole purpose is to protect the box, Don't tell them its open. They just have to hit the pressure switch.

Then we'll offer it to all the Ancient Religious churches that still exist. Make sure the Gameboy is inside.

Then we'll put it under all the Seppuku sites in japan for Medieval Conquest Ideas by the old shrines.
So everytime the blood drips down the blood groove path for ritualistic suicide it pours non the case.

We'll leave a note in the spot. Saying Why didn't you just open the box with geosync to it pointing down and where the pressure switch activation is.

Right next to our Tomb.

With an Arrow pointing towards it saying. I told you to open the fucking box. In traditional Pictograph.

With a gate.

Lets see what happens.

Humpty dumpty sat on wall
Humpty dumpty had a great fall
knights, putting it back together again

blah blah blah., You get it. put it back Make copies for the Librarians .

 Image result for ark of the covenant


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