
Okay so the entire thing is in geo sync. Double check the Geo syncs through Taiwan itself. It might actually be all my shit. If it comes back to the actual format for the entire city and country layouts then my peasants arent happy.  Nah im kidding.

 But i found that entire section for the geo sync and correated. If its in the sigils and manuscript that means the entire place is probably a manuscript from us.

Have fun. Something to do. Don't smash your head against the table when you realize how stupid this is.
Luv ya too. Enjoy your day. You have better access to this shit than I do.

When you get the entire geo syncs back. Do the 3 dimensional scale print out and get a layout of the city in the size of a chinese checke rboard. We have to do the math for it. don't forget the double gravity law. I forgot it the first time.

Its just fishing villages. Which means We need new layouts and they need to be updated. Looks like no ones touched the place since the 40s, and some of the originals from the early 19 is there hiding under the cement.

ages 18-35 16 if there strong. Dont let it interfere with school for the rebuild.

Fuckers are gonna sneak on anyway. So don't mind them.

See if we still have boat buiders. we can make our stupid catamarans there. Good spot. Its also to Kurose mountain in Aki. So just be easy. We're going to have to get the math eqaution from Kurose. Mountains are in Zig  Zag. Then your going to have to pull out the same dimensions in the towns and match to the geosyncs.

and its dicks.

Pod hotels. Good boat buiding spot. We can build the catamarans there.
The Material can be dropped off. Hovercraft from island to island. and to mainland.

JJeir Ping. We get to set up fishin village stories for the new game.

Idk. I dont see it as a bad thing. I mean we have to do the work anyway right?
So why not make a video gaem out of the story line and just add onto the check for Creative rights
and using them for facial recognition for the software. Right?

Or they get ike a  check if there part of the plot line? Taiwans a whole different section of the game.

So like you know. Plus theyalways going to troubleshoot. Good to keep alies and business connects in those regions. Especially with the new Jeirping system. Thats ike our expansion pack for taiwan.

how stupid do you wanna be with the military in that region?

For an drill excersize? How quick they can sweep that island and disappear.

idk good joke. Kinda like a peaceful reminder. That it reall is this stupid for eevryone.Just to pleas ekeep the bullshit to a minimum.We're trying to really open back up all the trade doors again. II do it to my country like every 10 yrs.

Plus we get a bunch of new scripts. You wanna write the campaign for this one?
Our work forces are our Armies, technically. Kinda. We just have to rebuild everything.
but theres like sie stories. So theres our troublemakers. So we keep both stories.

This is how we have to play it in this time period. We're not alllowed to do anything stupid anymore.
To many issues. To much bullshit. Not worth the time and effort. More fun this way. Everything gets fixes and we restablish trade and everything nice and pretty.

So now you have to pick generals in Taiwan.

we got video games for the next 10-13 on that system like this.

Once its done Let it die. Until we finish the construction.


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