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Inside the walls of the new place  For Orocovis Inside the dragon. 
(Right where the original Tribes location was. I found out where my family was. Because awesome. hehehe.)
 We'll do one in Spain. If it gets serious then same shit as always. We need one in Hokkaido and Kyushu inside shogi and we have to put this shit back where all this started. West coast China. 

 for Monasteries

Print have a copy with the entire Monastery [reservation]

Bottom to the top. You already see it. I shouldnt have to worry about your sight in the archive. Center is a seperate connected. Which means the outside of the center are the walls to the archive.

Upstairs is going to be a pain in the ass. The second floor overlook. The pillars are going to be the crystal trees and there going to be blossoming throughout the top and over hanging onto the open rose. 

The dome with Lunar lighting Sky light when its charged fully should shine through the entire interior. It should glow in Solfregio. Like an Interior bio luminescent forest When its night time.  The roof make sure we keep the Neural circuit from the Abbey in feathers. Should looking like falling feathers from the heavens.

If we do it right we can have it look like like the actual falling feathers when it glows.
Image result for upstairs in the library of congress
Image result for upstairs in the library of congress

the upstairs are going to be ramps so its waves going down. Each drop ledge is a numerical base for the circuitry. 
The layers from the interior rose raise all the way to top center then it drops into two spirals inside the center of the interior. 

We'll have the geosyncs throughout the flooring so it looks like a flowing river. 
Image result for white roseRelated image
Inside is the shape of a rose.  Rose petals are the heights of the shields. Image result for Archer ramp samuraiImage result for samurai camp tent but their angled and there also book shelves and desk. 
Interior center
Image result for Library of congressImage result for spiral staircase

Spiral Down from the center, but two. 

Two wolves pay attention to the angles
Image result for Yin yang
pay attention to the shapes in the interior

Related image

the spiral downs are going to be rooms. We're going to have to figure This part out.  Going to be some wide spirals going down. probably 110 inches.  So 220 together. 

The two rooms  are going to go into a tree root throughout each side. So Inside the moon and the Sun theres going to be two rooms that spread into the tree of life.

The interior layer is going to branch out into the rooms and roots of the tree. 

Image result for tree of life\Toshis tree    (tree we have to build)

The moons two crescents that make a moon with a center statue
Same in the Sun. 

The second tree .Goes to different parts and rooms. Lunar.  

Image result for tree of life Tree in the original region.  You see how they overlap for the roots? Lets do the same on the interior level. 

goes in the middle of the tree roots
 Geosync all the way to top an through. 
.Image result for black and white temple

Image result for tokyo skytree


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