Something to play with in mockup
Keep the size though. I like the size. there not bad inside.
keep sigil.crest in mind
use the new engine
paddle shift auto / manual
keep the clutch.
and now we have a racing class for divisions
mds automotive/mds performance
Kindaiteki Samurai
vr4 offer rwd option
trailer aero styling matters
luxury coupe.....this is going to be fucking sweet.
1969 Oldsmobile Toronado
close carrier concept but i mean you know. the obvious just pay attention to the trailer.
kako an mako eyes the other model toshi eyes.
when the kids old enough he'll design his.
consider the helm for the body armor and the face paint in the headlight and tailight design.
our bodies are well...our bodies.
but let me be clear with it. Do not for one second throw away actual aero dynamic properties because of someones fashion trend. so the girls eyes. with feathers and war paint in the eyes, but body slope crest and use alternate models for the women for the chasis. Don't be that guy in the company thousand of women in japan. that have the same body type. okay. emotions aside. You are going to be honored like a mother fucker if its your body that is being embodied in the chasis. So my emotions aside. its up to them.
The other headight designs take into consideration of the troubleshooting procedures. If i get stuck in another nuetron field i should feel like a dumbass looking at my car and be able to decipher it quickly. Our tailights aswell. it matters.
When your driving it shoud be like a fierce wolf running through the wind attacking its prey. When it stares at you it should stare into your soul. It should pierce you and if its in the mountains it should howl like the spirit through the forest. Silent but swift, Should it howl let it be heard.
it should scream Aino and Ainu
Aino is Wolf Ainu is Bear
so theres 2 concepts.
bearwolf....did the bear fuck the wolf or did the wolf fuck the bear? and if its inseminating is it a giant wolf? or small bear? and are bear and wolf kidnapping crow? because crow is scouting while bear and wolf yet to exist.
okay so i kind played native lore with the automakers and its already started so we're going to keep going. we have to buy crow from lincoln. it was aconcept we can change it..i just already started and i havent gotten back to my games yet. crow was supposed to travel to all the reservations. i was bored.
so we're going to make a pack of samurai and there going to storm the gates to rescue crow from his tyrannical rulers. while bear tries to re establish communication with dragon. yea bears only going to be made in Hokkaido and its gonig to be like a Hokkaido only car. wolf is going to be made in puertorico (Borinken)
while crowes scouting the lands to re establish connection with the others.
look your not fucking up my comic book. we have to go get crow. We'll send samurai. We have clans. we'll send Nissan and Honda to rescue crowe. 2 ships of samurai to liberate crow.
i have 326 reservations in the states.
we'll talk. That means we get a different breed thats rare. eheheheh.
right? super cools. Then it turns into memorabilia and nostalgia. 326
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