Get them see what schems are still left from the crash site.

it should have the reason on it for the use of it, or what its original function was and why it was. they usually have the entire reason on them. Just check into it. the more we have with our tribal facepaint the better. 

these were for plasma cutting and welding 

after the great war they turned them into deflectors for shit thats in operation. 
see the ainu headbands and bandannas. Same shit is on them. they can get upset over it all they want. we're just older than the nonsense they have initiated and they aren't ready to accept that, and thats okay, but we're not going to throw out our education because of it. 

we keep troubleshooting procedures all over the earth. Don't get to distraught during the search, its really frustrating especially when one person keeps only a small portion of the book. you have to like go everywhere. Not everyone carried the books. 

same with the pacifier have them made if we're here in the human race we better have them ready. 
Related imageImage result for teething pacifierImage result for oxygen mouthpiece weldingtheres a filter Image result for swimming nose clipmouth breather and  a nose gaurd.Related image


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