Local trails

Raise the trail again. 8-16ft like always. there sky rails or trails or w.e.

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you got people biking again which means your going to have to raise the trails again and uncover them.
We have mountain trails and theres ones that go through the gutter flows. they go over the gutters. Raised.  there using the mountain roads again and you know how that shit goes.

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 make sure theyre ready for accidents this time so we can keep them.
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here marked in stones. so look for the stone markers. 
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leave dimensions above for the skyrail  and have the pre placement for the lighting turbines. there going to be tied to the skyrail. We're not ruining the woods, but if the kids are riding through the mountains again then we're going to put everything back.  Its all there.  we had a major ice storms in 07-08-09 and that shit all got taken down.  Keep the trail ambulance for park services incase of anything.
Image result for knife handImage result for sky rail


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