Shit to do.

Hydro damns with atmospheric water agregates and sand babels connected to the hydro plants

tribe regions in peru
set plans for the cities we discussed and international flights for the airbus have already been worked on and revamped for safety measures to avoid hindeburg situations from happening again.  the air bus depos we'll 3d and then use the crystal throughout the building and use the wiring system from the new ordinance. tribes have laws and we can't break them because of indigenous treaties. Its part of the code, and it doesn't matter. these hippies are going to start trying to find a way in anyway. if anything there numbers increase for labor.  the transports however have to be refueled by the regions that reside in and that means bio shit is the only thing there going to use. so that means destination and trade is going to be between monks and tribes again. so we fixed that issue also to revitalize the regions. so we'll end up fixing trade goods and commerce for them also. Get everybody caught up. If im troubeshooting like this through our old tribal troubleshooting procedures then we just hit a full circle in the species. they can have there stuff. 

then on the island Sand babels connecting into every city. Sand babels with Solar ontop and windmills throughout. vertical. Quick disconnects and exchange for maintenance.


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