Natural Amylase

Image result for hedgeImage result for raised planter boxesImage result for raised planter boxes
Related imageImage result for trelis
guess we'll teir down and hedge wall the boxes.

leave the Geosync on the tree boxes in Arrangements and then use the brick.

Cover and create the fence using the low hedge wall?

in 3 years you'll have enough for the other fruit plants to grow the way you want them. Then we just have to remove the Cannabis flower if it causes legal issues.

Swap them out with Tamrinds about 40 yrs old.
Then let the spore process do its own thing.  As long as its inside the field of the hedge we should be good for growth and you can just put them in the soil planter after they take root.

We want the tamrinds to sprout in coffee cup dimensions so when we stick the tool into pull them out we don't damage the tamarinds growth.


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