Finding a file

Image result for cigarette

Now this is a Neuro Cap
Capable of performing the same venture with a Qauntumn Mechanist for that kind of job

Image result for NeurocapImage result for VR  system


I don't have a neuro cap. I don't have Vr. I didn't hack your systems.
I didn't even touch a command prompt.

I love you too.

Heres how you can see me if your bored.

You know. say you love me from time to time.

Related imageRelated imageRelated imageRelated imageImage result for randomization facial generatorImage result for texture packs file
Image result for texture packs file

you can even remake the entire template  with the person and then make spawn points and field captures and if your smart then you can turn up the iris system  to have them perform the subjugated function. Like a creator character.

Image result for Coning eyesImage result for Coning eyesRelated image



Side Hustle with Staff
Add 2 dollar raises for those who sign the book venture. They get free novels.

Image result for manga

Image result for qr data serverImage result for qr data serverImage result for facial recognition
Image result for server
Image result for audio surveillanceImage result for 100 inch tvImage result for 100 inch tvImage result for manga editorImage result for manga editorRelated imageImage result for manga editor


Other Side note

Get Arc together to dissolve the ignorance of the wide scale test for the system with live visuals.
We can use them to test it. Your going to need a city.

Just found out. Made me a cute video. Their ready to disprove the circumstance.

we need a city to test it  in. Run Blue dream through the Video game company
we couldve just figured out what happened  in that city.
Image result for wireless towers run it up to 88 percent then turn it off after a live visual capture.
I should have people all over the city. wave imaging capable of human manipulation or body manipulation.

then throw a live test subject through the consoled enviorment See if t he optic lasing was possible through the coning sequencing. Capture the Dialation of the Iris.

use the comfort women for the trial test
Only one way to find out right?


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