Go make yourself something nice
Achievement unlocked.
Have the Amulets made and go make yourself a ring.
follow accordingly.
Your gunna have to do the 3d on this one
Have our Clothing made. Its a 2 layer. Bottom raps around waist. You'll see the tabernacle in the equation. I can't assemble that. That goes into the Archive.
and we have our "Tribe Tattoo" Inside the traditional armor.
the stone gate, the crest and amulet.
Our Family Armor is in leather traditional.
Equations are inside everything. Everything you need is there.
If you go through with the book.
Then our Scrolls are the Sacred Geometry and the figures.
All this goes in the New scroll format.
paper coppies
Kako will like this part.
Use the New Keyboard and the Dictionary and Alphabet and apply to the entire book.
we'll stay in that language.
We'll Teach it in Xinoa.
and in p.r
we'll keep the Option open for everyone else.
but scrolls in the Language.
Make yourself some beautiful trinkets.
If we drag the Hi but its mostly I. Is it like E or AYE and if its AYE is it Ayeh? and the h is silent?
and if the H is silent and its just E but its written like Hi then am i greeting you in a foreign tongue?
Idk. boredom. Evening.
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