This the grocery store?

Its on Oak.

This our new spot?

You guys just wanna set up an account and have them forward the company store card to us?

and we going with Image result for st lukes?

they have a direct line through binary.

and so do these Image result for Insurance car companies

I honestly liked Allstate and AAA as a package together.
I never got fucked over.

USAA bank?

there a direct line affiliate in binary.
Image result for Insurance car companiesImage result for usaa bank

plus they have a direct binary link to these
Image result for cell phone companies

and I could use them in this region.

and get new devices.

We can also go through the binary to material resource and contractors.

what phones you guys have?

We can do pretty much everything Through USAA

they spider web to pretty much everything.

Plus we can ship via c130 and have hemttt delivery.

Plus we can use them with the Ally thing when you guys come to Chief.
Especially through visa workforces.

Travel, Airfare,

its wise and between both countries we have a constant already between web binary.

Just remember there a civilian sector with mil inference. Not mil with civil.

have them send some up north and line them in chief. we don't like the shit they got going on. Especially with how direct they are.  We'll teach the kids right. They are good, its just stupid shit here and there.

We don't need a bunch of small sections of civilian if half the popu is mil. Helps everyone.

and for us we can use them for ally affiliation and shipping.


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