Synthetic Atmospheric acid through cerebral consciousness and augmented systems.

acid trips are the augmented reality bubbles. Shits like Orihime's little bubble shield healer thing
atmoshperic density changes by voltage spikes similiar to a heart monitor
more like dmt with a muscle relaxer, but when your asleep the augementation system is depeneded upon the video solutions variable exchange and upload directly to the google account triggering audio wave synchronisation to the augmented acoustic system and then unifying the underlayment with synthetic consciouseness

Image result for fog
Image result for orihime's bubbleImage result for raw cameraImage result for raw cameraImage result for raw cameraImage result for raw cameraImage result for raw cameraRelated image

everythings pretty much running like raw files

then your like  a pokemon google 360 character in vr.
Image result for augmented realityImage result for augmented reality

things contort and our brains autocorrection function is what the sensor picks up on, the wave imaging system that depicts the contortions through the synthetic value is translated through a multi wave sequence which allows for you to generate the pictoral wave formation.

Adaptation is manipulated like a collido scope function and the moment clarity of a visual is obtained the cmos sensor captures the image and throws in rotations. Pulling dragging. blurring with a latitude scale an longitude scale that makes it seem like your simulating the live experience. Characters from the prerequisite or the function tester is added and it just kinda makes you focus on whomever is challenging you. which means your 360 character has an auto-correct auto targeting system.

Which is how we figured out the Binary Hypnosis in the auto-targeting.

Image result for trippy wave imagesImage result for trippy wave imagesImage result for trippy wave imagesImage result for trippy wave imagesImage result for types of contrastImage result for types of contrastImage result for types of contrast

but you can still know why the autotargeting is happening in the first place.It has to do with the qr coding sequencing and the auto targets auto scan with the character functions.

thats kinda it for now.

when we troubleshoot however the basic principles still remain the same.


the contrast manipulation is the main attention grabber and the pushing and pulling and macro with profile shots.

So zooming in and out on numerical value sequencing.

once you generate something new or an anomaly the system plays pokemon snap and puts a timed sequence recording on if its a constant transition or a steady rate volume. If not its just pokemon snap.

Image result for heat induction forge

shits just epsilon and nu though so its like eh.  couple of iotas here and there and you gotta pemdas to beat it neurally.

Heres your lust bullshit

Image result for sigmund freudImage result for sigmund freud

that and the system. "Dickmatizing"
an training facial recognition and augmented systems through the dream state. Dejavu and people training for comfortability or dominance bondage shit. The qausi block is what stops you from grasping in the automation function.

still qr
still raw
still transformer fuse relay

and trigger word audio synchronisation is the main system. Words have a visual pictoral sequence already generaed to pop culture and news along with personal perceptions. then the personns autocorrect kicks in with autotargeting to qr during the wave imaging.

so thats whats happening on our windows.

Hows your day going?
is there a way to capture the neurological automation for writing if the system has all this

I think i'm writing books through story tellng softwares

if this has been going on fo 15 years. how many qm books do you think i wrote and cm books?
as well as auto mechanic books.

what about medical and philosophy.

If i write a novel everyday in quasi.
Did i make enough for my library?
and if the average book is 300-1000 pages
how many books are in ny library if the human consciouness in a trilateral sequence can write and capture pictoral and word text.

So thats 3 layers of consiouness in the software development operating in a qauntified qausi. or QQ.

If its QQ and i've been working since i was 16. Then how many books have I written with theoreoms and mathematical science through biospheric origin and philosphy have i written?

Now lets assume Im attached to a PDF file.

I should have generated enough of a library from graphic imaging systems to qauntumn to have a personal library based off....well everything i studied and the amount of times i calculated and broken my terminability to the point of constant correlation.

because thats how that shit works.
 I have a library.with all my manga and qm cm research in pdf.
and nearly 20 yrs of statistical data and revisement.

but theirs not just 1 qm in this structure. theres 2.
even mathematics would've been revised between us to.
an by now i should have a 3rd one. or 5 now technically.

 because of cyclical rotational value and re-occurrence through automation and re-sync software with pause and plays.

My family has a libary in cyberspace in nothing but pdf.

was the conclusion

babe that means ive even been writing war tactics and martial science

now you can be angry.


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