
We have to bring the string tensioner up and have the tongs hang a little lower. Tongs activate string. Bass bin same.

theres no string. string is just for acoustic reverberation.

to poor. Couldnt afford that much ore from a river.

Image result for elephant tusksImage result for Wolf toothImage result for ox horn

try an ox horn.
Image result for how many holes does a recorder have
and we have holes. So ox horn or Elephant tusk.  Pipa is over one acoustic channel. Theres 7
so we have to now figure out the dimensional acoustic in bass and shaping.
and if each set goes over a hole then we have to figure out bass properties.

So we're going into dark matter acoustics

if we have 46 characters in japanese then we have 46 notes
but each note contains a light wave and dark wave. So then we have to break open GO.

However If everything is Pictograph then we have to use the Pronuciations from LENA, but with the spellings of Katakana and Romanji. Which means we're pronouncing with vowels of Lena, but the words are Japanese.

So if im speaking Lena but only the notes are what match and the lanaguge is japanese.

How the fuck am i suppose to figure this out without a linguist?

If the characters are japanese or close (pictograph) then the translation is in Lena.But if I don't know japanese fluently. Wasn't born into it. Then how do I compare two ancient ass languages with tribal significance. Furthermore. How do I find a note pattern if I don't have both dialects and vocal acoustic linguistics.

and if i have two binary stars then how at the end of the system or theres 2 binary stars involved. Then how do I figure out the notes if the Notes are Lena and Japapnese?and if only some characters match then how do I even know if they match the right harmonisation to the note and the bass bin?

Navajo language is whats left. So I would have to compare navajo and japanese, but if its Lena then what do these characters sound like if its Japanese spoken like Navajo, but written in Lena?


ivory ore. buy the containers of ivory tusk. dont let it go to waste. -- damage is done already.

Image result for ingotsImage result for jade you'll need jade

and develop the silk again.Image result for ivory silk we need lilac

Image result for silk spools


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