Alright this ones not easy

Image result for illuminati triangle\\

i told you ima be just a little realer than the rest. I don't know how old this particle build was. Alots changed. 
Correlate the Geosyncs effectively and categorize them in layer. We could just have a defective mod dying out or our tech superseded the that eras understanding. 

this ones elaborate as a mother fucker. Image result for diorama tablewe're going to have to make this a bigger scale.
okay so maybe we can sink it for a teaching device. I've got a match in center.
we got a custom particle

so yea mods. we're doing it.

welll first we jamm our com towers and land planes. then we shut off air traffic and trace. thats procedure anyway.


I tried not as easy with a laser not meant to do this.
better explanation

You can use the new toy to decipher this one on the table.

The base platform is going to be a bit different considering the battery and electrodes and the height is going to be kind of dumb, but its still the same width as the coffee table.

by now you should have all the connection points and then you should be able to start putting them together by the points. Once they connect it should be a direct transition.  After that you encoporate the actual particle to to the table and it should connect to practically everything to give you the wide span range field of the overal eqaution. Mr. Robot is just a cool toy to play with inside of it. He relays the Particle transition.

Just use the Slow motion Cameras

or hook up a timer to it with the repitiions and transfers. More stuff i can't do here. but you guys have all the equuipment. This is what I could do.

Storage rack? height. The one i have in my room looks like a good base platform to solve it.

katana by wakizashi height is two tanto

bet i can download strategy guides into my head.

means we only need the geosyncs from the software not the game.

Game goes bye bye during troubleshooting procedure.

then all we need is 2 years of research from Online international gameplay.

I heard your old man had some connects. We may need some of those geosyncs.

Image result for video game strategy guides militaryImage result for tom clancyImage result for deadliest warrior gameImage result for video game strategy guides militaryImage result for video game strategy guides militaryImage result for mortal kombat

i guess this is how they created the crime watch
Take the last 3 yrs of of a cities case files and run them through constants.
pretty smart.

Image result for online gameplayImage result for yakuza onlineImage result for naruto video gamesImage result for way of the samuraiImage result for mma video game
Image result for forza 2 xboxImage result for tokyo xtreme racerImage result for touge racing videogameImage result for drift bible
also means any of these games puts us on a watchlist by the automation sequencing.

i guess we can just upload carpentry and mechanical engineering also.

Image result for synthetic telepathy

exoskelton link it to the geo sync machine and then attach synthetic telepathy operation.
looks like the acoustics is stored in the exo suit. exo suit is qausi
which means we still need the acoustic value
and if its on the fresnel atmosphere with Lazer then we have to break the fresnel first.

Fresenels creating the EM light ray dispersion through the liquid crystal. Which causes amplification through em and trajectory lining, Fresnel not part o the original equation.  Someone chose to weaponize and use an exoskeleton.

These things arent apart of your original software format. We have a test site and this isn't apart of ours either. We don't release the information or software to public. Thats a closed test site. Mil grade encampment.  These don't come with these companies.

Using this with the particle we addressed or the custom one would create the anomaly.

nueral cornea data transfer

when your done instal it into Riran.


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