
Go from Orion. Zoom out. Your going to need the dickhead from Kyushu and then the map i gave you.

then we're going to need the star maps i gave you. we should have a better course.

Image result for lone wolf symbolImage result for lone wolf symbolImage result for lone wolf symbolImage result for lone wolf symbol

I guess im supposed to shoot the frequency of the horsebow shooting.

but what kind of arrow?

Image result for types of treesImage result for guitar tunerImage result for guitar stringImage result for harp and if he played on his fangs then what was the song?

Image result for harpImage result for chinese guitarImage result for shamisenImage result for chinese guitar

we need the maps from the old kyushu drawings  and the one i uploaded .

try the wolf math eqatuion run it through the automation sequence until we get a harmonic solfregio
then we shoot that shit into the sky.

with the maps and the math sequence we should get the song. i hope.

side note

you know all we need a guitar tuner hooked up to a laser level right?

Image result for guitar tunerImage result for laser level


Image result for cb car radioImage result for nextel brick phoneImage result for nextel brick phoneRelated imageImage result for nokia brick


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